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  • 王冰

    性 别 :男


    系 别:机电工程系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:闽江学者特聘教授/博士生导师

  • 详细资料


    通讯地址:海燕政策研究论坛线路1(旗山校区)机械学院 南302


    电 话:

    传 真:


    王冰,英国剑桥大学副研究员,赫尔大学博士、博士后,现就职于海燕政策研究论坛线路1机械学院,任福建省闽江学者特聘教授、博士生导师,院长助理,福建省太赫兹功能器件与智能传感重点实验室副主任、学术委员会委员。是剑桥大学Clare Hall学院终身会员,中国机械工程学会材料分会青工委委员,SCI期刊Materials主题编辑、客座编辑,EI收录国际学术会议MDMA2022大会主席、CAMME2023大会联合主席、CoMEA2024协同主席,多个国际学术会议技术委员会主席。长期从事空天科技结构强度及理论方面的研究,主要开展结构和功能协同设计、多尺度结构力学建模、空天折展结构设计、先进复合材料及其无损检测等方面的工作,先后主持国自然基金、省部级、英国科学技术设施委员会等项目多项,主研英国空天技术研究所、英国工程及物理科学研究委员会(EPSRC)等多个空天科技领域重大项目,以第一/通讯作者发表论文五十余篇,其中JCR一区20篇,TOP期刊论文12篇,入选ESI高被引论文2篇,单篇最高被引297次,出版学术专著/章节5部,申请国家发明专利15件;多项科研成果实现产业转化,并应用在空客A350,研究成果获EPSRC嘉奖。



    2022年01月—至今:海燕政策研究论坛线路1 院长助理

    2020年03月—至今:海燕政策研究论坛线路1 福建省闽江学者特聘教授、博士生导师

    2017年07月—2020年03月:英国剑桥大学 结构力学系 副研究员

    2017年02月—2017年06月:英国赫尔大学 机械工程系 博士后研究员

    2016年11月—2017年01月:英国赫尔大学 机械工程系 博士后研究助理

    2013年10月—2017年01月:英国赫尔大学 机械工程系 博士(PhD)


    英国剑桥大学Clare Hall学院终身会员







    国际先进材料与制造工程学会国际会员(SAMPE International Member)

    美国航空宇航学会会员(MAIAA);航空航天国际会议AIAA SciTech Forum特邀审稿人


    SCI期刊Advances in Mechanical Engineering客座编辑

    新加坡南洋科学院(NASS)国际期刊Sustainable Marine Structures编委

    EI收录国际学术会议大会主席(Conference Chair):2022 International Conference on Mechanical Design, Materials and Automation (MDMA2022)

    EI收录国际学术会议大会联合主席(Co-Conference Chair):7thInternational Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME2023)

    EI收录国际学术会议大会联合主席(Co-Conference Chair):2024 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering on Aerospace (CoMEA2024)



    担任五十余种SCI期刊特邀审稿人,主要包括国际顶级期刊:Nature,AdvancedMaterials;Carbon;Composites Part B-Engineering;NDT & E International;Materials & Design


















    [1] Chenmin Zhao#, Xinyu Lin#,Bing Wang*, Juncheng Zhu, Chenglong Guan, Shuncong Zhong. A multistable composite hinge structure.Thin-walled structures2024, 198: 111709.

    [2]Bing Wang*, Juncheng Zhu, Shuncong Zhong*, Wei Liang, Chenglong Guan*. Space deployable mechanics: A review of structures and smart driving.Materials & Design2024, 237: 112557.

    [3] Biao Xu,Bing Wang*, Kevin S Fancey, Shuncong Zhong, Chenmin Zhao, Xiayu Chen. A bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs.Composites Communications2023, 43: 101723.

    [4] Xueqi Lin,Bing Wang*, Zhao Chenmin, Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong, Hui Chen, Dianzi Liu. Durability of viscoelastic fibre prestressing in a polymeric composite.Polymers2023, 15(4): 811.

    [5] Hui Chen, Folian Yu,Bing Wang*, Chenmin Zhao, Xiayu Chen; W Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong. Elastic fibre prestressing mechanics within a polymeric matrix composite.Polymers2023, 15(2): 431. (ESI高被引论文)

    [6] Chenglong Guan, Lihua Zhan*, Dechao Zhang, Shuming Yao, Shuncong Zhong,Bing Wang*. Microwave uniformity regulation and its influence on temperature field distribution of composite materials.Journal of Central South University2023, 30(10): 3374−3394.

    [7] Chenglong Guan, Tongming Chi, Lihua Zhan*, Junhao Chen,Bing Wang*, Liping Xie, Shuncong Zhong. Analysis of deformation and properties of composite melon petals via vibration pretreatment—microwave compound curing.Polymers2023, 15(23): 4541.

    [8] Chenglong Guan, Lihua Zhan*, Fuwei Sun, Shunming Yao, Shuncong Zhong,Bing Wang*. Study on the heating mechanism and macro/micro properties of composite materials under microwave curing.Polymer Composites2023: 1-17.

    [9] Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong*, Manting Luo,Bing Wang. Terahertz spectroscopic characterization and thickness evaluation of internal delamination defects in GFRP composites.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering2023, 36: 6.

    [10] Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong*, Longhui Zheng, Wei Liang,Bing Wang, Yi Huang, Xuefeng Chen, Yaochun Shen. Sensing and nondestructive testing applications of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging systems: State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 4507483.

    [11]Bing Wang, Yi Hou, Shuncong Zhong*, Juncheng Zhu, Chenglong Guan. Biomimetic Venus flytrap structures using smart composites: A review.Materials2023, 16(20): 6702.

    [12]Bing Wang*, Tung Lik Lee, Yang Qin. Advances in smart materials and structures.Materials2023, 16: 7206. (Editorial)

    [13]Chao Yang,Bing Wang*, Shuncong Zhong, Chenmin Zhao, Wei Liang.On tailoring deployable mechanism of a bistable composite tape-spring structure.Composites Communications2022, 32: 101171.

    [14] Xueqi Lin,Bing Wang*, Shuncong Zhong, Hui Chen, Dianzi Liu. Smart driving of a bilayered composite tape-spring structure.Journal of Physics: Conference Series2022, 2403: 012042.

    [15] Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong*,Bing Wang, Longhui Zheng, Zhenhao Zhang, Qiukun Zhang, Jianfeng Zhong, Manting Luo, Zhike Peng. Terahertz spectroscopic study of optical and dielectric properties of typical electrical insulation materials,Optical Materials2022, 123: 111837.

    [16] Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong*, Longhui Zheng,Bing Wang, Xueqi Lin; Xibin Fu, Zhike Peng. Theoretical and experimental analysis of the dielectric properties of 3D orthogonal woven GFRP composites in the terahertz frequency range,Optik2022, 260: 169105.

    [17]Bing Wang*, Keith A. Seffen, Simon D. Guest. Folded strains of a bistable composite tape-spring.International Journal of Solids and Structures2021, 233: 111221.

    [18] Zhong Tang, Ben Zhang,Bing Wang*, Meilin Wang, Hui Chen, Yaoming Li. Breaking paths of rice stalks during threshing.Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 204: 346-357.

    [19]Bing Wang*, Keith Seffen, Simon Guest, TL Lee, S Huang, SF Luo, JW Mi.In-situmultiscale shear failure of a bistable composite tape-spring.Composites Science and Technology2020, 200: 108348.

    [20]Bing Wang*, Shuncong Zhong, Tung-Lik Lee, Kevin S Fancey, Jiawei Mi. Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composite materials/structures: A state-of-the-art review.Advances in Mechanical Engineering2020, 12(4): 1-28. (期刊特色文章,ESI高被引论文)

    [21]Bing Wang*. Moisture absorption and diffusion of a carbon composite structure.Sustainable Marine Structures, 2019, 1(2): 17-23.

    [22] Keith Seffen*,Bing Wang, Simon Guest.Folded orthotropic tape-springs.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 123: 138-148.

    [23]Bing Wang*, Keith Seffen, Simon Guest. Shape of a bistable composite tape-spring in folding.AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum, San Diego, US. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-2276.

    [24]Bing Wangand Kevin Fancey*. Visocoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites: An investigation into fibre deformation and prestress mechanisms.Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing2018, 111: 106-114.

    [25]Bing Wang,Dongyue Tan, Tung Lik Lee, Jia Chuan Khong, Feng Wang, Dmitry Eskin, Thomas Connolley, Kamel Fezzaa, Jiawei Mi*.Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of microstructure fragmentation in solidification under ultrasound,Acta Materialia2018, 144: 505-515.

    [26]Bing Wang, Dongyue Tan, Tung Lik Lee, Jia Chuan Khong, Feng Wang, Dmitry Eskin, Thomas Connolley, Kamel Fezzaa, Jiawei Mi*. Data and videos for ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of metal solidification under ultrasound.Data in Brief2018, 17: 837-841.

    [27]Bing Wang*, Keith Seffen, Simon Guest. Folding of a bistable tape-spring structure based on plain-woven composite.26th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering Proceeding. 2018, Paris.

    [28]Bing Wang, Chao Ge, Kevin Fancey*. Snap-through behaviour of a bistable structure based on viscoelastically generated prestress.Composites Part B-Engineering2017, 114: 23-33.

    [29]Bing Wangand Kevin Fancey*. Application of time-stress superposition to viscoelastic behavior of nylon 6,6 fibre and its ‘true’ elastic modulus.Journal of Applied Polymer Science2017, 134(24): 1-9.

    [30] Chao Ge,Bing Wang, Kevin Fancey*. An evaluation of the scanning electron microscope mirror effect to study viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites.Materials Today Communications2017, 12: 79-87.

    [31]Bing Wangand Kevin Fancey*. Towards optimisation of load-time conditions for producing viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites.Composites Part B-Engineering2016, 87: 336-342.

    [32]Bing Wangand Kevin Fancey*. Shape-changing (bistable) composites based on viscoelastically generated prestress.10thInternational Conference on Composite Science and Technology Proceeding (ICCST/10) 2015, Portugal. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1735.6249.

    [33]Bing Wangand Kevin Fancey*. A bistable morphing composite using viscoelastically generated prestress.Materials Letters2015, 158: 108-110.


    [1]Bing Wang*, Tung Lik Lee, Yang Qin. Advances in smart materials and structures. MDPI, Switzerland Basel, 2023: 1-196.(专著,ISBN 978-3-0365-9560-3).

    [2] Chenmin Zhao,Bing Wang*, Xiayu Chen, Xinyu Lin, Chenglong Guan, Shuncong Zhong. Advances and Challenges in Advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems, A Prestrained Bistable Composite Gridded Structure. Springer Singapore, 2024: 397-403.(专著章节,ISBN 978-981-99-8044-4)

    [3] Chenmin Zhao,Bing Wang*, Shuncong Zhong, Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Wei Liang, Hui Chen. Polymer-based nanoscale materials for surface coating, Chapter 12: NDT studies of nanoscale polymeric coatings. Elsevier, Netherlands Amsterdam, 2023: 235-257. (专著章节,ISBN 978-0-323-90778-1)

    [4]Bing Wang*, Keith Seffen, Simon Guest. Folding of bistable composite tape-springs. Cambridge University Engineering Department. Jan 2019. (专著,CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.252)

    [5]Bing Wang*. Viscoelastically prestressed composites: towards process optimisation and application to morphing structures. University of Hull, July 2016.(专著)


    [1]王冰;杨潮;钟舜聪,复合材料薄壳平面折展装置及收展方法, 2021-10-25,中国, 2021112375268.(发明专利已授权)

    [2]王冰;赵陈敏;余佛链;林学旗;钟舜聪,复合材料卷尺及层合板结构预应力调控装置, 2022-5-9,中国, 2022104959002.(发明专利已授权)

    [3]王冰;杨潮;钟舜聪,复合材料薄壳平面折展装置, 2021-10-25,中国, 2021225590395.(实用新型专利已授权)

    [4]王冰;吴涛;赵陈敏;钟舜聪,一种基于多稳态复合材料薄壳的手性可变形结构, 2022-1-14,中国, 2022200883194.(实用新型专利已授权)

    [5]王冰;赵陈敏;余佛链;林学旗;钟舜聪,复合材料结构预应力调控装置, 2022-5-9,中国, 2022210864359.(实用新型专利已授权)

    [6]王冰;吴涛;赵陈敏;钟舜聪,基于多稳态复合材料薄壳的手性可变形结构及其制造方法, 2022-01-14,中国, 2022100397434.(发明专利实审中)

    [7]王冰;徐彪;关成龙;赵陈敏;钟舜聪,一种双稳态复合材料扭转结构收展方法, 2023-3-30,中国, 2023103229810.(发明专利实审中)

    [8]王冰;徐彪;关成龙;赵陈敏;钟舜聪,一种基于复合材料薄壳的双稳态扭转结构, 2023-3-30,中国, 2023103229859.(发明专利实审中)

    [9]王冰;林心雨;赵陈敏;关成龙;钟舜聪,一种可控伸缩长距离监测装置及其工作方法, 2023-9-28,中国,2023112727637.(发明专利实审中)

    [10]黄异;林辉圣;钟舜聪;王冰;张震;丁思民,基于太赫兹光谱的应力原位无损检测装置, 2023-10-8,中国, 2023112934872.(发明专利实审中)

    [11]王冰;陈侠宇;赵陈敏;关成龙;钟舜聪,一种可控变形复合材料卷尺结构设计方法及制造方法, 2023-10-29,中国,2023114112302.(发明专利实审中)

    [12]王冰;林心雨;赵陈敏;关成龙;钟舜聪,一种多稳态可折叠铰链结构及其制造方法, 2023-11-13,中国, 2023115062122.(发明专利实审中)

    [13]王冰;杜冬梅;陈侠宇;赵陈敏;关成龙;钟舜聪,一体式十字卷展天线装置及其制造方法, 2023-11-13,中国, 2023115062175.(发明专利实审中)

    [14]王冰;陈侠宇;赵陈敏;关成龙;钟舜聪,一种薄壁双稳态结构形变设计及体系化制造方法, 2023-11-13,中国, 2023115062090.(发明专利实审中)

    [15]王冰;谢剑彬;钟舜聪;李劲林;李怡杰;汪帅帅,一种基于条纹投影轮廓术的复合材料曲率测量装置和方法, 2024-2-18,中国, 202410180430X.(发明专利已受理)


    [1]特邀报告:双稳态复合材料卷尺结构及其智能驱动.2023全国功能材料与器件大会,功能材料与器件专家委员会主办,山东青岛, 2023-12-8至2023-12-10.

    [2]特邀报告:双稳态复合材料卷尺结构折展强度与疲劳断裂机理研究.2023中国材料疲劳与断裂预防交流会,中科促研新材料协同创新中心主办,贵州贵阳, 2023-8-11至2023-8-13. [3]分会场报告:双稳态复合材料卷尺结构的折展强度及形变机制研究.第十届材料与结构强度青年论坛暨中国机械工程学会材料分会青年工作年会,中国机械工程学会材料分会主办,浙江嵊州, 2023-6-16至2023-6-18.

    [4]分会场会议报告:可折叠复合材料机械铰链连接结构设计及性能调控研究.第五届全国连接结构动力学学术研讨会,中国振动工程学会模态分析与试验专业委员会主办,江苏苏州, 2023-7-7至2023-7-10.(大会优秀口头报告)

    [5]特邀报告(Invited Speaker):Foldable mechanical hinge based on bistable composite tape-springs.2022 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering,中国西安, 2022-11-21至2022-11-23。

    [6]大会主旨报告(Keynote Speech):Structural and functional integration of foldable mechanical composite hinges.2022International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application.线上国际会议,2022-9-23至2022-9-25。

    [7]大会主旨报告(Keynote Speech):Foldable mechanical hinge design based on a bistable composite tape-spring structure.2022 International Symposium on Non-destructive Testing and Advanced Structural Materials,福建省机械工程学会无损检测分会与海燕政策研究论坛线路1联合主办,线上国际会议, 2022-8-20至2022-8-21.

    [8]大会主旨报告(Keynote Speech):Bistable composite technologies for foldable mechanical hinge design.2ndInternational Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Electrical and Automation Control.线上国际会议,2022-01-07至2022-1-9。



    11]特邀报告(Invited Speaker):Multiscale shear failure mechanisms of a bistable composite tape-spring.3rdInternational Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics. 2020-12-6至2020-12-9,地点:中国澳门。

    [12]特邀学术讲座:Bistable Composite Technologies.英国杜伦大学工程学院(Department of Engineering, Durham University);2020-2-26,地点:英国杜伦。

    [13]特邀学术讲座:Morphing Composite Technologies).Clare Hall Cambridge Postdctoral Symposium. 2018-11-4,地点:英国剑桥。

    [14]特邀报告:Bistable composite tape-springs for aircraft landing gear.5thCambridge Materials Network Meeting –Materials Challenges for Future Aerospace;2019-4-2至2019-4-3,地点:英国剑桥。

    [15]分会场报告:Shape of a bistable composite tape-spring in folding.AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum and Exposition. 2019-1-7至2019-1-11,地点:美国圣地亚哥。

    [16]分会场报告:Folding of a bistable tape-spring structure based on plain-woven composite.26thInternational Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering.2018-7-16至2018-7-20,地点:法国巴黎。

    [17]分会场报告:Shape-changing bistable composites based on viscoelastically generated prestress.10thInternational Conference on Composite Science and Technology.2015-9-1至2015-9-4,地点:葡萄牙里斯本。




    3.中科院二区期刊Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering杰出审稿人奖

    4.获英国工程及物理科学研究委员会先进复合材料制造中心的EPSRC CIMComp Grant












